

HEC Paris

Tutorial 4.A

What to expect of the EU AI Regulation? Challenges and Compliance

(July 5, 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM)


This workshop will examine how the future European AI Regulation will impact artificial intelligence applications to be launched in the market and the applicable requirements to comply with it. What products and services are considered as artificial intelligence under the future European AI Regulation? And how to classify AI applications under the different levels of risk established by the Regulation, which determine the rules applicable to them? Departing from these questions, this tutorial will examine in-depth two case studies involving high-risk AI applications, which must fulfil different requirements. Most of these general requirements established by the regulation (e.g., transparency, explainability, fairness, robustness, accuracy) are further specified by technical standards stipulated by European standardization organizations for specific contexts. We will compare the risk management system created by the EU AI Regulation with the voluntary NIST AI Risk Management Framework prevailing in the US and discuss whether and to what extent the AI Regulation creates a regulatory model that expands beyond Europe.